wide-eyed at 4am

Therapeutic Fun

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It’s always good when what you think is going to be just a busy, tiring day, ends up being good for the heart and soul.

My day of meetings and training, ended with happy hour and dinner with one of the most awesome groups of people that I know.

BLOG_JDMugs_092015It’s such a blessing to have a strong support system. I’m blessed by having a spouse who is walking beside me – every step – he’s there at appointments, therapies, treatments and shots. He’s there when my head is spinning and I can hardly get off the sofa after chemo. He gets me whatever I have a taste for at the particular moment that I need to eat, making on-the-spot runs to the Teeter down the street if we don’t have anything in the house that sounds good to me and fetches the endless bottles of water I consume.

I have family that is there with love and any kind of support you can imagine.

I have a choir family that has provided prayers, love, food, company, gifts and understanding.

I work on a team that has also been by my side as I make this journey. More than co-workers, they are dear, dear friends. They have taken on extra work when I’ve had things that had to be done when I was down (or at an appointment) and been very understanding to the way I feel (physically and emotionally) along the way.

Then there is the entire group of employees at Jackrabbit. They have been amazing support individually and as a group. Everyone shows their concern and support. And takes part in ways that we don’t even imagine will happen.

For instance – the company dinner last night was great. I had the chance to sit with a couple of team members that I don’t get to talk to as often as some others. We talked about my particular predicament and all sort of other things.

There are 3 of the guys (including one of the company founders) who sport bald heads. I thought a memorable photo would be me with the three of them. It turned in a wig show – for them.

You can tell in the pictures that we were almost laughing until we cried. It was hilarious. And the rest of the group was laughing so loudly that I’m sure the rest of the restaurant’s diners wondered what was happening.

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It’s a memory I won’t forget – and it made my day/week/month!

In their own way they were letting me know that they are right there with me.

Support – it’s an amazing thing.

Laughter – it’s healing and uplifting.

Both were good for my spirit and the effects have stayed with me.

Author: jillpurdy

A few months ago I wasn't but now I'm a statistic. That doesn't define me. I'm a daughter, a sister, a wife, a step mom, a grandmother, a friend and a Christian. I will continue to love exercise, music, cooking and food, and my family and friends. I'm stubborn, energetic, giving and too OCD for my own good sometimes. And I'm going to stay this way - despite cancer and the treatments that it takes to give it the royal beatdown.

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