wide-eyed at 4am

Seeing Friends

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It’s a special thing – to have friends for years. To have people that you may not see for quite a while but when you’re finally together, you just sort of pick up where you left off.

I was with two of my best friends from childhood recently. I was amazing. I had seen one of these friends a while back. Before the holidays when I was just really getting into the Taxol. We talked for hours.

This time we added our missing amigo. We happened upon a Saturday that I was coming to Greenville AND both of them were available. Amazing!

We did so much at such an interesting time in our lives. Middle School-high school spend the night parties, church retreats, Saturday youth house parties, triple dates … singing Brandy into hair brushes and endlessly talking about the boys we considered to be dreamy.

Of course we made that old lame promise as we were preparing to leave each other: we’re going to do this regularly.

I hope we can do what we promised. I don’t want to get so lost in everyday that I don’t keep up with those who were such an important part of my life….growing up…..learning about life.

If there is one thing this journey has showed me, it’s that relationships and people are much more important to me than things.

It’s not OK to let things go and to not reach out, to lose people who mean something to us.

I’m promising to keep my end of the deal.

Here we are: The three amigos




Author: jillpurdy

A few months ago I wasn't but now I'm a statistic. That doesn't define me. I'm a daughter, a sister, a wife, a step mom, a grandmother, a friend and a Christian. I will continue to love exercise, music, cooking and food, and my family and friends. I'm stubborn, energetic, giving and too OCD for my own good sometimes. And I'm going to stay this way - despite cancer and the treatments that it takes to give it the royal beatdown.

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